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Sex Crimes: Miami Prostitution Defense Attorney

Sex Crime Defense Lawyers in Miami, FL If you have been arrested for prostitution in Miami, Florida, it is important that you understand the crimes which you have allegedly committed - as well as your rights. Penal Code 647(b) defines prostitution as the offering or agreeing to engage in a sexual act for money or any other good or service. Whether you are the prostitute, consumer, middleman or pimp, law enforcement officers have the right to arrest you for participating in this crime. It is imperative that you retain the legal representation of Donet, McMillan & Trontz P.A. immediately in order to ensure that your rights and freedoms are defended.

Generally, prostitution is charged as a misdemeanor offense and the consequences vary if you are a first time offender. Penalties are dependent on the specific circumstances surrounding the arrest. For example, some cases involve the defendant being sent directly to police headquarters and soon after, they are released with the expectation that an appearance in court be made at a future date. Penalties for sex crimes will increase in severity as arrests continue to be made for repeat offenses.

If convicted of prostitution, you may face one or more penalties including but not limited to the following:
  • Heavy fines
  • Time in jail or prison
  • Registering as a sex offender in the national registry
Our firm has 50 years of combined experience and will offer your case the unique dedication that it deserves. We are committed to your case and will ensure you attain the skilled and aggressive legal representation that you need. As former prosecutors , we know the emotional stresses that go hand-in-hand with being the subject of an investigation or placed under arrest. Let us navigate through this allegation with you. We have represented thousands of clients and tried hundreds of cases and are qualified to work towards the successful representation of your case.
Find out what we can do for you! Our firm is prepared to offer you several different defense strategies and will work to build the most personalized and effective arguments possible. We are passionate about the protection of your rights and freedoms and will give you the respect and attention you need. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, and seven days a week to answer all legal questions that you may have. Our commitment to excel at the defense of individuals who have been charged with sexual offenses such as yours will give your case a stronger chance at winning in court.

Take the proper steps to ensure you are represented by an aggressive attorney by contacting Donet, McMillan & Trontz P.A. today.