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Over 50 Years’ Combined Experience

DUI Defense: Miami Underage DUI Defense Attorney

What is the legal limit for underage drivers in Florida?

In the state of Florida, it is illegal for anyone to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. For adult drivers who are over the age of 21, the legal blood-alcohol threshold is .08%. For drivers who are under the age of 21, this limit is significantly reduced to .02%. Although a minor driver may not necessarily be impaired by the effects of alcohol with a blood alcohol concentration of .02%, it is illegal for them to consume any amount of alcohol in the first place. Furthermore, higher blood alcohol levels could result in enhanced legal penalties.

The Penalties for Underage Drinking & Driving

As mentioned earlier, underage drivers could be arrested and charged with DUI if they make the decision to get behind the wheel with a blood alcohol concentration of .02% or higher; however, they could also face enhanced penalties if their BAC was measured at .05%, or even .08%.
  • First DUI with BAC of .02%: Driver's license suspension for up to six months
  • First DUI with BAC of .08%: Longer period of license suspension & potential jail time
  • Second DUI with BAC of .02%: 12-month license suspension & potential jail time

Call Our Firm 24/7 for Your Free Consultation

If you or your child was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Miami, FL or a surrounding area, you should not hesitate to find out what the team at Donet, McMillan & Trontz, P.A. can do for you. With more than 50 years of combined legal experience, we know what it takes to win a difficult case. Even if you were arrested for drunk driving after failing a breath or blood test, it is important to understand that there is still hope. Don't plead guilty or accept a plea bargain until you have had the chance to discuss your case with an experienced DUI defense lawyer from our firm.

Contact us 24/7 to schedule your free and confidential consultation.