Sex Crimes: Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender or Sexual Predator
Convictions for certain sex crimes can eventually lead to reporting requirements.Anyone convicted of a sex offense and designated a sexual offender orsexual predator by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) willbe required to report and follow other rues set forth by the Florida legislature.Anyone designated a sexual predator will be required to fulfill certainreporting requirements. Predators are required to register 4 times year.Anyone designated a sexual offender will be required to meet the samereporting requirements as a sexual predator, however, offenders are onlyrequired to register two times a year.
If you do not register as a sexual offender or preadtor in the State ofFlorida, you can expect to be charged with a felony. If an individualenters a guilty plea or is found guilty after a jury trial of certainsex offenses, the judgment and sentence with be submitted and reviewedby the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Depending on thestatute and number of prior sexually motivated offenses, an individualcan be categorized as a sexual offender or a sexual predator.
Not as if the sexual connotation is enough, the State of Florida mandatesmany reporting requirements for sexual offender and sexual predators.Another pitfall is that the prior sexually motivated offense can categorizea defendant as a habitual or habitual violent offender. For all thesereasons, it is imperative to retain a Miami criminal lawyer at DMT todefend individuals charged with crimes such as sexual battery, lewd andlascivious conduct, child sexual abuse and child pornography. In the majorityof cases, the only way not to be labeled a sexual offender or sexual predatoris to win the case at trial.
Sexual offenders must adhere to the following registration requirements:
- 48 hour timeframe after release of custody or relocation
- Inclusion of address location
- Inclusion of any occupation at an educational institution
- Inclusion of any enrollment in an education institution
- Registration with the DMV
It should be noted that you may need to file more than once a year –in some cases up to once every four months. Missing any one of the manyfiling requirements can be seen as grounds for criminal charges.
Another problematic issue with being labeled a sexual offender or sexualpredator are the state and local legislation that limits where individualscan reside. Many of the municipalities have passed living restrictionsthat are much more onerous than the laws passed by the State of Florida.This is yet another example of the importance in hiring a highly skilledMiami criminal defense lawyer that obtain outstanding results for clientscharged with sexually related offenses.
If you have been charged with failure to register as a sexual offender,you need to
contact the Miami criminal lawyers at DMT. Arrests usually do not come with any warning, so our legal team is availableevery hour of every day – even holidays – to assist you! Letus help shield your rights from the unfair bias of a harsh legal system.You can call our office at (305) 340-2197 or reach us by completing theform on our
contact page or by sending an e-mail.