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Over 50 Years’ Combined Experience

Client Facing Life In Prison For Kidnapping And Sexual Battery Accepts Plea To Misdemeanor With Short Period Of Probation

Marzo 23, 2016

Our client's ex-girlfriend contacted law enforcement accused him of forcing her into his residence and sexually assaulting her. The client was arrested and held without bail as kidnaping is a first degree felony punishable by life in prison. The criminal defense team began work immediately on the case to refute the allegations made by the girlfriend. DMT was able to obtain witness testimony and video surveillance from several local establishment to refute the allegation. Our lawyers presented several witnesses to the prosecutor to demonstrate that our client and the alleged victim had a previous sexual relationship and in fact, she had been stalking and harassing our client. The video surveillance tapes depicted our client and the alleged victim consuming alcohol and mutual flirting at three local bars and a gas station. The defense witnesses and the video surveillance was enough to convince the prosecutor that the case had significant issues. The defendant accepted a plea to a misdemeanor offense and was immediately released from custody. DMT's proactive and creative approach to the defense of the case prevented our client from spending months or even years in prison.