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Sex Crimes: Child Sex Offenses

MIAMI CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS The rise of the computer and internet age has also come with new legislationthat is being used to track down individuals who use the digital age tosolicit or perform sexual acts with young children. To try to keep thechildren of America safe and sound, law enforcement agencies from coastto coast are establishing special task forces that utilize nontransparentactions to catch sexual offenders.

At DMT, our Miami criminal defense lawyers have represented many defendantswho were brought to charges due to undercover operations and covert stings.The criminal charges these people have been accused of committing areembarrassing, and most of the time, they come with lifelong negative impacts.If you are facing child sex offenses charges, your relationships –professional, familial, or otherwise – could be in jeopardy.

Start protecting your rights with our team's support! Just call 305.340.2197 today.

What Constitutes a Child Sex Offense Crime?

In many child sex offense cases, there must be evidence that the defendanthad contact with the minor beforehand. The purpose behind the contact– usually through chatrooms or internet services, these days –needs to be geared towards setting up a face-to-face meeting with intentto engage in a sexual act of any kind. As seen on Dateline, the chargescan be placed against the defendant regardless of who was actually onthe other end of the agreement; an undercover officer could have beenposing and a minor and the charges are just as valid. It is theintent to commit the illegal sexual conduct that would be the most damaging that scenario.

Just the act of traveling to meet a minor with illicit intent can leadto the following penalties:
  • Up to 15 years in prison
  • High fines
  • Restitution to the family
  • Registration as a sex offender
Other forms of child sex offenses include:
  • Transmitting: Giving illicit images to a minor, usually through internet communications.
  • Soliciation: Willing using an online service or program to contact a child with theintent to eventually perform a sexual act.
When You Need Strong Defense, You Should Call DMT If you are under investigation for, or have been arrested and charged witha child sexual offense of any type, contact the Miami criminal lawyers at DMT. An experienced criminal attorney is available every day of the year,24 hours a day to speak with you regarding your situation. Allow us theopportunity to help protect your rights and defend you case and you willnot be disappointed. You can call our office at (305) 340-2197 or reachus by completing the form on our contact page or by sending an e-mail.
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